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Self-Priming Magnetic Pumps
Self-Priming Magnetic Pumps
  1. Outlet Diameter 20 - 80
  2. Flow Rate (Q) 110 - 1,500 (L/h)
  3. Lift Head (H) 15 - 32 (m)
  4. Power Consumption 1.1 - 22 (kw)
  5. Self-priming 4 (m/3min)

Features And Applications

The Series ZCQ self-priming magnetic pumps are remodeled based on the Series CQ magnetic pumps with the recent advanced technologies of the field. The product combines the advantages of the magnetic pumps such as fully sealing and corrosion resistance, and the features of self-priming pumps such as simple line structure without bottom valve and easy operation without filling liquid for being primed. The maximum priming height is 4 m. The self-priming magnetic pumps are widely used in the petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, electric plating, dyeing and printing, food, agrochemical, and metallurgical industries for pumping acids, bases, oils, valuable liquids, toxic or volatile liquids, especially flammable, easy to leak and explosive fluids.The Series ZCQ self-priming magnetic pumps are remodeled based on the Series CQ magnetic pumps with the recent advanced technologies of the field. The product combines the advantages of the magnetic pumps such as fully sealing and corrosion resistance, and the features of self-priming pumps such as simple line structure without bottom valve and easy operation without filling liquid for being primed. The maximum priming height is 4 m. The self-priming magnetic pumps are widely used in the petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, electric plating, dyeing and printing, food, agrochemical, and metallurgical industries for pumping acids, bases, oils, valuable liquids, toxic or volatile liquids, especially flammable, easy to leak and explosive fluids.

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